Frequently Asked Questions
1Where can I buy your knives?
My designs can be purchased at any store, online or physical, which features the brand that produces them.
If you have difficulty to find them, my advice is to contact the manufacturer directly.
In any case, you can't buy knives through me.
2I would like to produce a knife with my brand, can you help me?
I am in contact with all the major manufacturers.
Among the services I offer it is also to follow the start of production OEM products, whether or not on my design.
3I want one of your designs to produce it on an industrial scale. It's possible?
Having no exclusive agreements with any manufacturer, I'm free to work with any client.
Send me an email and we can discuss everything.
4I made a review of one of you designs. Are you interested?
I'm always interested in other people opinions.
Please send me a link by email, and I'll be glad to share it through my website and social medias.
5Where can I meet you?
You can meet me in Italy, in Treviso where I live, or in Maniago, where the main manifacturers are based.
You can also find me at main exhibitions: Hit Show ( Vicenza, Italy ), IWA Show ( Nuremberg, Germany ), Blade Show ( Altanta, USA ), C.I.C. Show (Milan, Italy).